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Bruschetta & Ciabatta Panini

Click here for Allergy information
Our own freshly toasted ciabatta bread generously topped with…

Tomato, garlic, olives, fresh basil and herbs (v) £6.95

Mozzarella, gorgonzola & parma ham £7.50

Roasted mixed peppers, garlic and basil (v) £7.50

Spicy salami melted mozzarella & chillies  £7.50


We provide a quick and reliable lunch-time delivery service with a great selection of Panini.

Your local solution to business lunches and staff meetings.

Our sandwiches are made on our freshly baked ciabatta bread with extra virgin olive oil and cracked black pepper. Delivered in individual boxes or platters with garnish.

Panino Sardo

Tender chicken breast marinated in balsamic vinegar & fresh rosemary with mixed grilled vegetables or mixed leaf salad £7.50

Pappa Ciccia Special

Parma ham and buffalo mozzarella with grilled aubergines, courgettes and bell peppers, topped with our homemade pesto sauce £7.50


Pecorino cheese (strongly flavoured cheese) with Napoli salami and fresh rocket £6.95


Tomato, fresh basil, buffalo mozzarella and mixed grilled vegetables £6.95

Al Crudo

Parma ham, melted gorgonzola cheese and rocket. £6.95

Your own combinations are welcome. Extra toppings start from £1.50

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